International Conference – Global Health Security in Times of Neoliberalism
11. Juni 2019
IPPNW Germany, the Charité – Institute for Social Medicine, Epistemology and Health Economics, and the German Platform for Global Health invite you:
20.07.2019, 09:00 Uhr, Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum, Wallstrasse 32, 10179 Berlin
Global health security (GHS) has recently become a popular concept in global health. In 2014, the global health security agenda (GHSA), a collaboration between 64 governments, international organizations and non-governmental stakeholders, was launched as a concept to address infectious disease outbreaks and reduce their transnational spread. However, the fear-based focus on the prevention of and protection from infectious diseases is not representative of the global burden of disease and in many cases prevents a debate about social, economic, and political determinants of health. Moreover, the concept is often used to justify immigration policies and practices that further restrict population movement across international borders by framing the migration of people as a risk. Rather than enhancing the local health system capacities, public policies in the name of GHS tend to focus on the protection of national borders in the global north against perceived health threats from countries in the global south.
In light of the increasing importance of the GHSA, the changing architecture of global health governance in Europe due to Brexit, and the launch of Germany’s Global Health Hub, we want to open up the discussion on health security in our prevailing economic system. What are the links between health and security and how do the two interact? Why is the concept linked to neoliberalism? What does global health security mean to us? Are vaccines and outbreaks the most pressing issues that should be addressed? What other less visible health threats should be brought to the forefront? How can we move beyond a narrow understanding of global health security?
For further information and registration for the workshops please visit our website. Child care can be provided, please let us know in advance. This event will be livestreamed on the IPPNW youtube channel.
Please spread the word in your community, post on social media using the hashtags #RethinkHealthSecurity #GHS2019 and make sure to check out our conference Facebook event.
We are looking forward to receiving your registration and welcoming you in Berlin this summer. Please register until July 14th, 2019 – it is possible for you to pay upon arrival!