Pharma-Brief Spezial (4)

28. Februar 2010
Pharma-Brief Spezial 1/2010: Schöne neue Pharmawelt
Irreführende Pharmawerbung schadet weltweit der Gesundheit. Sie beeinflusst nicht nur das Verschreibungsverhalten von ÄrztInnen, sondern verleitet auch VerbraucherInnen zum Kauf unsinniger, unnötiger oder gar riskanter Präparate.

1. Mai 2009
Pharma-Brief Special 2/2009: AIDS
Whereas HIV/Aids is regarded as a controllable chronic disease in the western world, the situation for large parts of the world´s population is dramatic.

28. Februar 2009
Pharma-Brief Special 1/2009: Medical research: Science in the public interest
Public funding often plays a key role in research and development (R & D) of new medicines. But innovative drugs are often not affordable for people in poor countries.

29. November 2008
Pharma-Brief Special 2/2008: Tuberculosis - A social disease
The present booklet examines tuberculosis as a social disease around the turn of the 19th to the 20th century and today.

29. November 2007
Pharma-Brief Special 2/2007: Tuberculosis - A global threat
Tuberculosis (TB) is the most common infectious disease in the world. One third of the world population – around two billion people – are carriers of the mycobacterium tuberculosis.