One World - One Health: Antibiotika-Resistenzen als globales Gesundheitsproblem (1)
30. Mai 2021
Konferenz zum 40-jährigen Bestehen der Pharma-Kampagne

More than 150 participants from 11 countries have been with us from April 30 th to 1st of May: Representatives from numerous NGOs, experts as well as decision makers who are engaged in different sectors. We were more than happy about that because the issue of antibiotic resistance requires an international, holistic and transsectoral approach. Resistant antimicrobials threaten human and animal health as well as the environment. All these three sectors are closely interrelated. The One Health approach needs networking, discussion and joint action. And that was exactly what we have been doing: changing information, sharing best practices, keeping each other updated and working together on solutions.
with a friendly assistance of Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung Nordrhein-Westfahlen

Friday / Freitag:
Impulse lecture: 40 years of engagement for a healthy world – The past and the now
Alexander Lohner / Misereor
We started the conference with 4 keynote lectures from Gopal Dabade, Andy Gray, Erick Venant and Gerhard Schwarzkopf Steinhauser. All of them have worked with us on our project on antibiotic resistance, they provided us with background information and conducted the videos for our virtual exhibition.
Keynote Session I – India: Poverty and Antibiotic Resistance
Keynote Session II – South Africa – The Triple Burden – HIV, Tuberculosis and ABR
Keynote Session III – Tanzania: Knowledge is the Key!
Keynote Session IV – Germany: Well prepared for Antibiotic Resistance?
After the keynote session we had a Walking Tour through our virtual exhibition on ABR. Core elements of the exhibition are videos from Tanzania, India, South Africa and Germany, which highlight a specific issue and give best-practice examples. This Link leads you to our virtual exhibition.
The Walking Tour flowed into several workshops focusing on human health, animal health and environmental health. Political demands, visions and targets were framed and brought into a panel discussion. On that basis we produced a list of demands:
Saturday / Samstag:
Grußwort Paul Kröfkes / BUND
Impuls: Resistenzen ohne Grenzen – Globale Verantwortung fordert lokales Handeln
Peter Tinnemann / Institut für Sozialmedizin, Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsökonomie, Charité Berlin
Podiumsdiskussion: Quo Vadis

Beim Thema Antibiotika-Resistenzen steht bisher vor allem die Humanmedizin im Fokus, zunehmend auch die Tiermedizin. Die Landwirtschaft und erst recht die Umwelt werden jedoch weitgehend ignoriert und kommen in den Aktionsplänen kaum vor. Das untergräbt nicht nur den One-Health-Ansatz, es verzögert auch effektives Handeln. Gefragt ist mehr Politik-Kohärenz. Beschlüsse und Gesetze müssen in allen relevanten Politikfeldern her – im Bereich Lebensmittelsicherheit und Verbraucherschutz ebenso wie in der Landwirtschaft oder im Umweltschutz. Ob und wie das gelingen kann, haben wir mit Entscheidungstragende aus NRW diskutiert.
mit Christian Baars / NDR, Bernhard Burdick / Verbraucherzentrale NRW, Bianca Winkelmann / MdL, CDU, André Stinka / MdL, SPD, Norwich Rüße / MdL, Grüne